Statistical modelling/Numbers of cattle

In order to test whether the homesteads, for which livestock provides the major source of income, possess more cattle on average than those for which livestock does not, a linear mixed model (REML), with sub-region and dip-tank area within sub-region assumed to be random effects and primary source of income as a fixed effect, was fitted to the transformed cattle numbers in CS11Data1. To perform the analysis, the relevant GenStat input is entered in the dialog box obtained by clicking Stats → Mixed Models (REML) → Linear Mixed Models and putting the variable livst_inc2 in the Fixed model: window and subregion/diptank in the Random model: window.

There is a significant difference (P<0.05) between the two groups of homesteads.

**** REML Variance Components Analysis *****

Response Variate : log_cat_no

*** Estimated Variance Components ***

Random term   Component


subregion   0.0154


subregion.diptank  0.0341


*** Residual variance model ***
Term  Factor  Model Parameter 



Residual      Identity Sigma2



*** Wald tests for fixed effects ***
Fixed term  Wald statistic  d.f.  Wald/d.f.  Chi-sq prob
livst_inc2  6.03   1 6.03  0.014